Key Benefits
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The Equicizer is a great, safe option for...
What's your interest in the Equicizer? See some samples below!
Western Disciplines
From competitive to pleasure riding, maintain your riding fitness and flexibility all year long. Great for when you are not able to get out to the barn enough because of scheduling or bad weather. Western riders will also be able to develop a stronger “core seat”, softer hands and back.
(Photo right - Hall of Fame Cowboy Craig Cameron works with a student during a Craig Cameron Clinic at Steve Lantvit's Highgrove Farm)
"A great product for anyone to improve their skills, fitness and confidence. I use it for myself and my students." Hall of Fame Cowboy -Craig Cameron-
Watch this incredible video demonstration with Craig Cameron using the Equicizer. Click here to view:
"How to Better Ride The Canter"
English Disciplines
For any English discipline, develop a stronger seat and lower leg. Perfect your position and alignment, develop better hands and contact with your horse. Improve reining skills and maintain flexible elbows; work out the bad habits and create better ones. You can practice riding maneuvers hundreds of times. The Equicizer never gets tired or frustrated with its riding partner. (Photo right - Dressage USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist & Freestyle Gold Bar Award-winner Ruth Hogan Poulsen)
"The design and the mechanical way the Equicizer works is amazing, I do not know how Frankie did it. My Equicizer 'Rocky' has become the best and most reliable lesson horse in my barn!" FEI Instructor, Competitor & Trainer -Ruth Hogan Poulsen-
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Equine Assisted Services

The Equicizer is used by adaptive riding and equine assisted therapy programs world-wide.
The Equicizer offers fun alternative ways of conducting therapeutic exercises for children and adults with disabilities. They’re currently being used in private homes, and all equine assisted services that conduct adaptive riding, hippotherapy, rehabilitation facilities, youth outreach centers, and recreational & therapeutic horseback riding programs. The Equicizer has helped improve the lives of those with physical, mental and emotional challenges.

The Equicizer is warm and friendly in appearance, yet built incredibly strong. Exercises beyond the typical horseback riding positions can be applied with stretching, strengthening and balancing in a safe controlled manner.
If you would like to learn more how you may use the Equicizer in your program, these links below are 2 page PDF's easy to print share, or email!
Equicizer Introduction Guide For Adaptive Riding (printable PDF)
Equicizer Introduction Guide For Equine Assisted Therapies (printable PDF)
If you have questions on how the Equicizer can be used specifically for your program, center or home, send us an email:
Watch this video demonstration how you can use the Equicizer in your program or center. Click here to view: Equicizer Demonstrations for EAA/T Programs
Private Homes, Rehabilitation & Therapy Centers
From professional riders recovering from injuries to those with disabilities or debilitating physical issues, the Equicizer has been a solution for many private homes and clinical settings.
For Horse Riders
For horse riders rehabilitating from an accident, the Equicizer is a safe way to start rebuilding and recovering the strength and flexibility needed to ride a horse long before a doctors release would permit a rider to climb aboard a real horse. It's also a great way to measure progress and give you the confidence of knowing when you are ready - both physically and mentally.
“Conventional exercises used in rehabilitative therapy assist in this, but do not always recondition the areas of the body that are essential to riding,” said Wagner. “By rehabilitating on the equicizer patients can recondition these essential areas through simulated riding practices, increasing strength and confidence while decreasing the time it takes to return to riding.” -PT Farley Wagner-
(Photo above right- Physical therapist Farley Wagner works with jockey Omar Camejo on this Equicizer, a new piece of equipment at Thompson Health's Farmington Rehabilitation Department. The Equicizer is used for jockeys, competitive equestrians and those recovering from an equine-related injury to help them get back in the saddle.)
For Those With Disabilities or Health Issues
For those with disabilities or suffering a debilitating physical health issue who may not be horse riders at all, the Equicizer offers nice soothing, low impact core exercise. The motion is easily generated by the rider or helper. The motion is great for circulation and stimulation of the spine.
(Photo left - Anthony Bonelli, who has Cerebral Palsy, poses with his mother and father at home with his Equicizer)
The Equicizer has proven to be a great source of motivational exercise, even for those who may be bound to a wheelchair where standard exercise equipment can not be used. The Equicizer has provided great results for those suffering from arthritis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, spinal cord injury, head trauma, paralysis, amputation, and stroke. It has also been a useful tool for those with emotional & learning disabilities from autism to down syndrome.
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Horse Racing, Jockey Rooms, Schools, Private Homes
The Equicizer was created in 1982 by Eclipse Award-winning jockey Frank Lovato Jr as a rehabilitation and training tool when recovering from a racing accident. Since this time, Lovato has further developed and has been supplying jockeys, jockey rooms and schools around the world with the Equicizer.The Equicizer has become a household name in horse racing across the globe.
Developing & Polishing Skills
The Equicizer provides the opportunity for all riders, apprentice jockeys and even established jockeys to practice continuously to develop and maintain their skills. A rider can master many of the skills needed on the Equicizer in a safe controlled environment rather than aboard a thoroughbred at 40 mph. The Equicizer is also an amazing tool to develop good form and riding style.
Maintaining Fitness
The Equicizer is a great training tool to develop or maintain fitness. To be at peak race riding fitness, a jockey must ride several races every day. One day off can cause a jockey to begin to lose their high level of fitness. The Equicizer helps a jockey maintain a fitness level regardless of days off, between meets, or when there aren't enough riding opportunities. The Equicizer is also a great tool for stretching and warmups prior to riding.
(Photo left - Hall of Famer Gary Stevens warms up in the Pimlico Jockey's Room prior to winning the 2013 Preakness Stakes aboard Oxbow)
Rehabilitation & Therapy
The Equicizer is a great, safe way for a rider to start recovering from an injury. A jockey can be advised by their doctor or therapist to begin gentle exercises that will get them started on their road to recovery. As riders develop and heal, exercise can be increased pushing them closer to getting back in the saddle. A rider can start using the Equicizer long before a doctor could ever give clearance for a rider to step on a real horse. This gives a rider a huge advantage both physically and mentally before they ever sit on a real horse. This allows them to approach their first ride with confidence, knowing their capabilities.
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Health, Exercise & Fitness
The Equicizer offers great, fun, motivational core exercise for anyone! Exercises conducted on the Equicizer are low impact exercises that can benefit anyone from those with disabilities to the serious equestrian.
Equestrian Fitness
Whether you are a serious rider or not, to ride at your best and safest means possible, you need to be physically prepared. It's not always possible to get to the barn or ride enough to be at peak performance. The Equicizer gives equestrians the opportunity to put more hours in the saddle with complete convenience.
Pure, Fun Exercise for Everyone!
You do not have to be an equestrian to gain the core exercise the Equicizer offers. In fact, the Equicizer may be the only exercise equipment that allows people who may be limited with the use of standard exercise equipment to get a safe, gentle exercise with whatever the extent of their capabilities may be.
Visit our Equicizer Exercise Page which offers 30 exercises ideas created by personal trainer and equestrian fitness expert Heather Sansom!