Equicizer Testimonials
To read our latest reviews on both the Equicizer Classic and Equicizer Elite please visit the links below:
Western Riding Testimonials

“At 63 years old, I had a two year layoff from any physical activity. There was no riding for me. That long period of physical inactivity combined to stiffen my body and atrophy my muscles. The first time I tried to mount a horse again, my whole body froze in a cramp of pain and it took two people to drag me off the back of my horse. This time, I thought, it was all over. I would never ride again.
One day I accidentally came across the Equicizer website. After some correspondence with Frankie and Sandy Lovato. Once I understood how the Equicizer worked, I had placed my order. Once I received my Equicizer, 'Mate,' the first few tries, I was too stiff to mount Mate, so I’d just put one foot in the stirrup and stand up in the stirrup on both sides of the horse, for a few minutes to stretch my leg muscles. I couldn’t put my right leg over the horse’s back. Frankie kept in close touch by email, to make sure I wasn’t overdoing it, and day by day I could feel my body loosening and stretching until one day after about one week, I actually slid my right leg over the back of the saddle and there I was, astride my new Mate! The feeling is difficult to describe, but was one of exhilaration. After about two minutes I had to dismount by inching my right leg over the horse’s neck and sliding down frontwards.
As I write this, it is three weeks later, and I can mount and dismount from both sides, and ride Mate for periods of fifteen to twenty minutes at a brisk canter. I can also do leg swinging exercises and canter for as long as I like, sitting sidesaddle.
There is absolutely no way that I could have progressed to this level on a flesh and blood horse, and I simply can not describe how much Frankie andRetired Jockey Sandy mean to me and what they have done for me in providing me with this wonderful Equicizer from the other side of the world.
It is still early days for riding my outside horse, but the way things are going, I am optimistic that it will only be a couple of months before I will be supple enough and confident enough to ride again in the big outdoors.
To anyone considering an Equicizer or Equipony, I can only say... do it! And Frankie and Sandy, may God bless you abundantly, for the work you are doing. Keep it up!”
Beverley Manners
Rutland Manor Labradoodles
Darnum Victoria Australia
English Riding Testimonials
“Hi, I love the Equicizer! It's beautiful and a lot of fun to ride. The directions were very easy to follow. I had no problems getting it unpacked or setting it up. It's a lot more then I expected, I love it. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job. The mane came out perfect. I have "Willow" in the living room so I can enjoy her any time. Thank you so much!”
Peggy Wolf
Fultonville, NY
“I love my Equicizer Big Red! I was year end champion for San Fernando Horse Show Association, and our awards event will be at Santa Anita in Seabiscuit Court. I was also Los Angeles Champion, and Newhall and City of Industry Champion, too. I even won a champion golf cart! I love to practice on Big Red when I am unable to ride my live horses. Thank you for helping me win all these great awards. Big Red is in my garage, and I have a TV and CD player there, and I ride Big Red and watch TV at least once each week. I also see Big Red whenever I pull into my garage, and he always cheers my arrival. Big Red is a wonderful possession. Thank you for creating him for me.”
Karen Lucian
Newport Beach, CA
“Before last month I had rode a horse two or three times over the last few years. Just hour long trail rides while on vacation. About a month ago I took my first lesson, (I bought your Equicizer horse after the lesson). The trainer said that I was better than most people just starting but that I was a little wobbly and unsteady in the saddle and that we would have to work on it. The weather got bad and with the ice and snow and I didn’t ride for almost a month. In the meantime, I got my wooden Equicizer horse from you. I rode the critter every day. The first day I could only sit on him for two or three minutes at a time. Every day I got stronger. I'd watch television and ride the wooden horse. I rode the wooden horse seven days in a row, harder and longer each day, several times each day. Then I took my second lesson. I can’t begin to tell you how much steadier and more confident I was in the saddle! My teacher was amazed at my improvement. I am going to keep working on the Equicizer and taking regular lessons on the real animal. I will keep you informed of my progress.”
Philadelphia, PA
Racing Testimonials
“Thank-you so much Frankie my Equicizer is perfect! It is helping me to perfect my skills as a young rider and it is enabling me to stay fit thorough our Canadian off season. This is probably the most important tool that a young, developing rider should have in their home. Not only does it mimic the horse’s action so realistically, it can be ridden all afternoon and the Equicizer never gets tired!”
Emma Jayne Wilson (2005 Champion Jockey of Canada, 2005 Eclipse Award Winning Apprentice)
Ontario, Canada
“What a great horse [and] great way to improve my skills and strength in races. I felt that I need to be faster in order to change the whip, to push with more energy and riding using my reflexes without having to think about it.
Now I only have to think about my horse I am riding and to obtain the best of him, now I am now a more natural jockey in races. Since I bought the horse, my strength, my skills, and my style is better than before. This horse was worth the wait, now I am a lucky man.
Thank you Frankie, The Equicizer can help me to ride a little bit better each day!”
Juan Ignacio Escario
Madrid, Spain

“I first received an Equicizer as a Christmas present from my wife in 1986. While recovering from a broken leg I sustained in a racing accident, I used the Equicizer daily to regain my strength and flexibility. Then, in 1990 I broke both my legs and my right arm in another racing accident and the Equicizer was my equipment of choice because it so closely mimics the action of riding a horse. The Equicizer is so effective at allowing a rider to look natural that I used one to teach Toby Maguire how to look like a professional race rider as he prepared for his role as Red Pollard in the feature film "Seabiscuit". We also used it in many scenes in the film, although no one could tell. What an awesome tool it is!
It also comes in very handy as a warm-up or my "bull pen" as I like to call it. I worked out on the Equicizer before I would go out to ride in races every day of my career, from 1986 until I retired. It is a wonderful multi-purpose piece of exercise equipment.”
Chris McCarron (Retired Hall of Fame Jockey)
Boston, MA
“I should have done this a long time ago. And that is to thank you.. wow!!!! My doctor has seen new growth in the muscle and is confident that it has to do with my physical therapy on the new member to my house (the Equicizer) This is going to help in more ways then I could ever imagine.. I have nothing but praise. I will stay in touch.”
Kristopher Robinson
Therapeutic Riding Testimonies
“The first day of our spring riding session and we “melded” Bailey (our Equicizer) into the scenario in a couple of different ways—a very autistic rider who is just starting was put on him and reacted outstandingly—she stayed on him for about half an hour while her classmates were on live mounts.
Then we used her with 4 & 5 year old speech and language delay riders while they were waiting their turn—super results—smiles—we even had three on at once (these are small children and they spontaneously took turns being in front, back, etc—promoting a level of teamwork and sharing not observed to date. Several of our staff and volunteers and school system folks who bring the students said that Bailey has already paid for himself!”
Jack Landolt
Sonrisas Therapeutic Riding, Inc
San Angelo, Texas
“We had our first rainy day lesson today—and used the Equicizer for both of our evening classes. The kids just had a blast and it was very interesting watching all of their reactions. Most of them had not been on the Equicizer at all and had just seen it (we're still having our Name that Horse contest...) Tonight, we had each student practice mounting and dismounting, then sit on the Equicizer to stretch out, then experience the movement while one of our volunteers created the movement, and then had each try to create and sustain the movement themselves. It was so interesting to see how natural the rhythmic movement was for some students—and how difficult for others. The volunteers that helped to create the movement were also amazed at how much was felt "by the horse", and how difficult it was to create rhythmic movement when those students who were unable to sustain the rhythm were astride. Gave us all a whole new respect for what our living horses tolerate so well!
We all could see how, with some consistent work on the Equicizer—even the most rhythmically challenged student could become more relaxed and balanced and "in tune" with their horse. It was already happening in our short, 10 minute sessions. Actually, one of our most severely, physically challenged students with severe balance issues was ecstatic over her experience and was determined that her mom needed to buy her one for her bedroom! (I'll pass your info on to her mom! Ha!) She was all smiles as she reached for ears and tail, touched toes, made circles with her arms, and even lay down on him and sat back up all by herself.
Some of our more advanced students practiced their two-point positions—and it really gave us an opportunity to do some fine tuning. They all loved stretching on the Equicizer... and even the students who were a bit timid to begin with came back for seconds.
The most touching thing, though, was that every single one of the students went up to the head of the Equicizer after dismounting and either gave him a kiss or a pat on his face. Without any coaching of suggestions to that effect. It really was very sweet.
So—to say the least—the Equicizer was a great hit with our program tonight! And after our sessions tonight, all of the instructors are more comfortable and clear about the work that can be accomplished with the Equicizer. I think the instructors had almost as much fun as the kids! We even had some parents that observed and they were very impressed with the Equicizer and what their kids were able to accomplish.
I think our "Horse with No Name" contest ends this Saturday—I'll let you know what name is chosen and try to get some photos to send to you. We did have a presentation with our donors and a short piece was submitted to their local newspaper—but I don't think it has made it in yet. I'll send you a copy when it does. We also did a short piece on the Equicizer in our latest newsletter—I'll let you know when that is up on our web site.
As you can tell, we're very happy with our Equicizer! Thanks so much!”
Gail Clifton
Bradenton, FL
“Peat Moss arrived at Jamestown New Horizons a few hours ago, having made the trip well with no injuries. He's quite beautiful. I rode him bareback for about 15 minutes and noticed muscles challenged in the following areas: First the thighs, then back of upper arms, forearms, calves, abdominal muscles, then trunk muscles, in that order. It really surprised me that I felt the workout in the back of my upper arms. That's a bonus that wasn't anticipated and I know will be very helpful to our riders. Peat Moss will provide challenges (limited only by our imaginations) to our riders from head to toe. The ones who are physically capable can even practice emergency dismounts safely before trying it on their horses. Just as we use our vaulting barrel to teach them techniques before they do it on a horse, they can perfect many skills, i.e., riding sideways, backwards, going ‘around the world’, etc., before doing them on their horses. I think the other JNH horses will appreciate this very much. Our therapy horses tend to be tolerant to a fault, but we are always looking for every way possible to protect them and keep them comfortable while they are providing much-needed therapy to the Jamestown New Horizons riders.
I can’t wait to see the great fun that will be generated by Peat Moss. Thank you both so very much for your worthwhile endeavors.”
Bonnie Grueninger, Program Director
Florissant, MO
“I have to say that I was a bit skeptical about the Equicizer simulating the way a horse moves. I pictured a glorified rocking horse, but I got to meet Lilly (our Equicizer) for the first time the other day, and I was really impressed by it. I hopped on for a few minutes, and it really amazed me how much the motion feels like a real horse. I didn't get down and look at the mechanics under it, but whatever is under there really works! I still can't get over it having a real 3 beat canter!
Anyway, I really think this is going to be a great asset to the riding program. It will be great for days when the unpredictable Texas weather makes riding in the area unsafe, and I can also see the great benefit for clients who are unable to mount real horses, either because of physical limitations, or because they may be intimidated by the real animals.
Really, it is a spectacular piece of workmanship, and later that day my sore legs can attest to it being a good workout too!”
“We have had such fun with Ed (our Equicizer)! Every day we find a new ways to incorporate Ed into lessons. Ed has provided us the benefit of showing us new ways to work towards opening hips and separating the body in order to walk, or to walk better. The slow gentle rocking that we provide, instead of the client, helps to relax the legs and hips and allows the muscles to stretch and lengthen. Plus this is a great thigh workout for the instructors!
Our herd of horses is enjoying Ed because it is saving their backs! We can practice mounting and dismounting over and over and over again. This builds such confidence and helps remove fear, so that the actual mount is much smoother. Thank you!”
“WOWEE Kazoweeeeeeee! We just unboxed our new Equipony and we are delighted! The therapist snagged it immediately and has had every one of her patients on it already! The color is outstanding (royal blue!), the bridle is better than the other larger Equicizer, as it has no rubber on the reins (latex allergies cannot use the other kind) and the mane and tail are a pastel rainbow! The best part by far however, is the base of support the little darling provides for the little ones, especially the kids with spastic quadriplegia. The therapist sits behind the child and generates the gentle rocking motion with her feet on the ground, (an easier position for the therapist to move it when tandem riding). The children just come alive with wonder and excitement as their new pony gently rocks back and forth; allowing their legs to relax, their pelvis to move into neutral and their trunk to elongate symmetrically. If you don't already have one for your therapist and clients, call me and I'll tell you why you need one!”
Jenny Nell Schulte
Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center
“The Equicizer is helpful because it enables the massage therapist to better understand which muscles are used during horse back riding. They can then be pressed and "worked" as needed, both while the horse is stationary and rocking. I have found it especially helpful to aid in stretching muscles especially abdominal, low back and posterior leg muscles.”
Wanda Kaminski, RN & Massage Therapist
“As you know Joel Eckman (HorseHosting.com) donated his son's equipony to Marion Therapeutic Riding Assoc. We have named our Equipony Jamie after his son. We are very much enjoying Jamie, not only are our riders getting the benefit of Jamie but our volunteers are enjoying him also.
We have found it very beneficial for our riders whose muscles are extremely tight to put on Jamie before they get on their real horse. It's amazing to see how Jamie loosens up their muscles & makes it much easier for them to mount their horse. We even had our therapists riding him this week & were pleased with what they felt by being on him.
Just wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying 'Jamie.' If there is anything we can do to help with the promotion of your equiponies please let me know.”
Betty Gray, Executive Director
Marion therapeutic Riding Assoc.
Visit our online shop to view the two different Equicizer™ Models and Accessories. Have questions? Email us: info@equicizer.com or give us a call at 419-663-1472. Wooden Horse Corporation is located at 819 W. Dublin Rd. Norwalk, OH 44857